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How to connect ConnectWise Manage into your HighGround Account
How to connect ConnectWise Manage into your HighGround Account
Written by Sophie Lamb
Updated over a week ago

STEP 1: Login to ConnectWise Manage

Login to your Hosted or Cloud version of ConnectWise Manage.

Please save your instance's URL, as HighGround will need it as part of adding tool integration.

For example, for the Hosted solution in the EU region the URL will look as follows:

STEP 2: Create a new Security Role for the HighGround API User

Go to System → Security Roles and click the “+” sign to add a new role.

Type HighGround in the Role ID field and click the Save icon.

You will be redirected to the Security Modules page, where you will see the following modules:

Fill in the page with the following values:

Company Permissions

Ensure the highlighted permissions are set to All at Inquire Level in ConnectWise Security Roles > Companies:

  • Contacts

  • Configurations

  • Company Maintenance

  • Team Members

  • Reports

  • UserCentric

Finance Permissions

Ensure the highlighted permissions are set to All at Inquire Level in ConnectWise Security Roles > Finance :

  • Agreements

  • Agreement Invoicing

  • Invoicing

  • Reports

Procurement Permissions

Ensure the highlighted permissions are set to All at Inquire Level in ConnectWise Security Roles > Procurement:

  • Products

  • Product Billable Option

  • Product Catalog

  • Purchase Orders

  • Reports

  • Serial Number Search

Sales Permissions

Ensure the highlighted permissions are set to All at Inquire Level in ConnectWise Security Roles > Sales:

  • Reports

  • Sales Orders

System Permissions

Ensure the highlighted permissions are set to All at Inquire Level in ConnectWise Security Roles > System:

  • API Reports

  • My Account

  • My Company

  • Member Maintenance

Click on Save Icon to save the Role.

STEP 3: Create an API user

In the left-hand side navigation panel go to SystemMembersAPI Members and click “+”:

Fill out the necessary fields, and reference the next list:

  • Member ID: Name to identify the API User (HighGroundAPIUser is suggested)

  • Member Name: HGUser

  • Time Zone: Default

  • Role ID: HighGround (The role that was created in the 2nd Step)

  • Location: Default Location

  • Level: Corporate (Level 1)

  • Name: Corporate

  • Department: Default

  • Default Territory: Default Territory

STEP 4: Create an API Key for the created user

Go to SystemMembers → Find the created member and click on it. Go to API Keys:

Fill in the Description and click “+” which will save the key and give you Public and Private Keys.

Save them, as you will need them later to integrate ConnectWise Manage to HighGround.

STEP 5: Integrate ConnectWise Manage to HighGround Account

Login to your HighGround account and go to the Integrations tab:

Find ConnectWise PSA and click Connect:

Fill in the pop-out and click Connect:

  • URL: URL of your instance

  • Public Key: Public Token create for API Member

  • Private Key: Private Token created for API Member

  • Company ID: Your Company ID

  • Server Type: Cloud or Hosted

Congratulations, now ConnectWise Manage is integrated into your HighGround Account! 🥳

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